In 2006, someone notified Jo there were pictures at Burritt Museum marked "April 1967". They were good enough to send them to Jo and she was absolutely thrilled to see these pictures after all these years. She agreed to share them with us and we are absolutely thrilled as well. Please turn your clock back to the Spring of 1967. It was truly - -
"The Springtime of our Youth". . . Thank you Jo, Very Much!
Jo was always good at getting boys to carry her books!
Here we see Steve Baker lending a hand!
Jo and Jill Cecil
Jo and her sister, Kay
At first we weren't sure who this is that asked her to dance at the
Key Club Ball
So we ruled out Tommy Lewallen, Don Faint,
Pat Cowart and Buddy Braunlich.
Congratulations to you -- J. C. on beating out the tall guys.