See the way he walks down the street,
Watch the way he shuffles his feet,
My, he holds his head up high
When he goes walkin' by-y-y -- He's my guy.
When he holds my hand - I'm so proud
'Cause he's not just "one of the crowd"
My baby - always - the one - to try the things they've never done
Just because of that they say --
"He's a rebel, and he'll never ever be any good"
"He's a rebel 'cause he never ever does what he should"
Well just because he doesn't do --what everybody else does
That's no reason why I can't give him all my love -
He is always good to me
Always treats me tenderly
Cause He's not a Rebel, no, no, no
He's not a Rebel, no, no, no - to me.
Sax - - - - -
If they don't like him that way,
They won't like me after today
I'll be standing right by his side when they say --
"He's a rebel, and he'll never ever be - any good"
"He's a rebel 'cause he never ever does what he should"
But just because he doesn't do what everybody else does
That's no reason why we can't share a love
He is always good to me
Good to him I'll try to be
'Cause He's not a Rebel -- no, no, no
He's not a Rebel -- no, no, no --- to me
He's not a Rebel -- no, no, no
He's not a Rebel -- no, no, no - - - - - - - - -
Bruce Levine
Monday, 2/25/13, 8:16 AM
Just an update. I was so sorry to hear about the loss of Danny Henderson. I think he was a really good man and I was so shocked to hear of his death. The same with Alunda, just saw her at the reunion. We are getting older. But I do remember my Butler days as very important. Peace to you all
olean ny
Web Site: you can find me on facebook
Wendell Cantrell Friday, 5/7/10, 9:28 PM
Forgot have moved to Ardmore had been in Hville all my life.Have 5 kids Robert,Emily,Billy,Eddie,Lukas.Their initials spell REBEL.Quiet by accident on spelling rebel,Robert was by first wife,& named after my dad,Emily was named after a favorite song,Billy Eddie named after 2 brothers But Lukas was named so to get the L to spell REBEL,When 2nd wife realized it spelled my nick name in Vietnam n 68&69.So any way I got 5 little REBELs from 33 yrs to 17.All are fast and Emily was the fastest of all Ardmore hi sch. Love to all my class mates!!!!
Wendell (Rod) Cantrell Friday, 5/7/10, 9:05 PM
Born in the woods raised like a bear 2 fast feet and swift to think Lean & mean a running machine Nicknamed Rod and a REBEL by the grace of God Rebel Of Dixie (R O D)
From: Huntsville Al
Becky Bates (Harris) Saturday, 5/24/08, 10:24 AM
Hi Everyone, I just love this website! I will celebrate my 21st wedding anniversary this July. My husband, Terry, and I moved to Blountsville in 1996, to his family's farm. Built our home from "scratch". I had an antiques & gift shop for 8 years (closed due to husband's health). In my spare time, (by the way..there's no spare time on a farm!), I was an event director for the Forrest- Streight Raid Civil War Reenactment held here every year (1st weekend in May). I have 2 wonderful grown children from a previous marriage. One in Birmingham and one in Sierra Vista, Arizone. Hope to see everyone soon.
From: Blountsville, AL
Alunda Whitt Scarborough Wednesday, 6/20/07, 6:57 PM
Hey everyone! I can't believe it's been 40 years! After High School, I attended Judson College in Marion, AL. That's where I met Joe. He was a local guy. We got married in September of 1972. We have lived in Tallasse since '73. We are both retired school teachers and he is trying to retire from his second career- Attorney. We have 2 children, Joey(29) and Beth(26). Beth married a year and a half ago and now we are about to be grandparents. Joey is a confirmed bachelor. We are excited about the reunion, and hope to see all of you there. Alunda
From: Tallassee, AL
Gwendolyn Anderson Cox Thursday, 6/14/07, 5:21 PM
After graduation, I went to Alabama A&M University and met my husband, Harold. We have just celebrated our 37th year.We have lived in Atlanta since leaving Huntsville in 1970. We have 2 sons and 2 grandchildren who are the love of our life. I worked as a branch manager for a bank for 20 years but for the past 15 years, I have been a homemaker which has allowed me to become a genealogist and author. Just found out about the reunion so I don't expect to attend, hopefully I'll be there for the 50th.
From: Atlanta, Ga.
James L. McCauley Jr. Saturday, 3/24/07, 9:44 PM
Most people will not remember me since I didn't graduate from Butler (photo in yearbook on page 88). I was a member of the Senior Class of 1967 for the first half of the year. My father was transfered from Redstone Arsenal to Honolulu, Hawaii, where I graduated from Radford High School. I enjoyed my time at Butler High and would like to make a reunion someday. I still remember alot of the other students there at the time, the old school, football (Jimmy Caneer, Tommy Newby, "Big Daddy" Ken Michaels "Wild Man" Cantrell etc), the Confederate Battle Flags, the band playing Dixie, yes, even a couple of girls stand out (Billie Rowan and Carole Hudson). And yes, I remember Bruce Levine (we shared Homeroom). He may remember why (if he reads this). Think roll call in the morning during homeroom. Of course I've aged like everyone and have four kids (24yrs to 34yrs), and 10 grandkids. After High School, I went on to serve in the Army (thanks to Viet Nam War), then went to the Ohio State University, got a degree in Aero/Astro Engineering, then completed a career in the USAF. I pasted thru Huntsville on my way to North Carolina in 2001 and went to see the New Butler HS we never attended. It was hard to believe it was over 30yrs old already. Must end here, lest I ramble on. Hi! to all who may read this. Aloha, Jim M. in NC
From: I live in Hickory, North Carolina
Norma Swafford Grady Saturday, 3/24/07, 8:48 AM
I have enjoyed the BHS webpage. Thanks to those of you who made this possible. We live on a working farm in eastern North Carolina. We share the place with pigs, cows, a couple of horses, five well loved dogs, assorted guinea fowl and chickens, and a donkey. The pigs and cows are part of the business, the rest are for enjoyment. My children and grandchildren live very nearby, and are in and out all the time. I have worked for Social Security for over 30 years, and have recently started to think of retirement. My husband and I have been married for 38 years. Wishing all of you love in your lives--Norma
From: Goldsboro NC
Rhonda Cochran Bass Sunday, 2/18/07, 11:35 AM
After Butler, Jacksonville State for me. I taught school in Griffin, Georgia for 6 years, and earned my Master's in Elem. Ed. during that time, at Georgia State in Atlanta. Then I got married, moved back to Madison County, taught 1 year at the old school in Meridianville, and took time off to raise our son and my two stepchildren. Ten years later, in FL, I went back to the classroom for ten more years. My classroom was one of the pilots for the standardized FL Math test that was being implemented at that time. I retired from teaching in '98. We moved back to the Huntsville area in 2001, right before our younger son graduated from Florida State. Our children are scattered from New York to South Florida, with one in Madison, AL too. My husband worked for Volvo Car Corporation in Sweden and Volvo Cars North America for 17 years, retired from there, and we now own our own business, as well as a second business our son is in charge of. Seeing so many classmates and friends come together and enjoy each other again is so rewarding. I want this 40th to especially bring out those who have never been to a reunion for one reason or another. Let's celebrate life and the bonds we have to each other. Many people are working very hard to prepare a wonderful event for you in June. I am learning from the experience of being on the Committee that the Reunion is not going to be an isolated event, but just one of many gatherings and communications in the lives of people who genuinely appreciate each other and cherish the memories we all are a part of. Through the website we can continue enjoying each other long past June. Thanks, Rick, for making this possible for all of us. Hope to see everyone this summer!
Sandra Hargrove Lee Sunday, 2/4/07, 6:26 AM
Great website.........Can't wait to see the remainder of pictures. Sure brings back old memories.
From: Franklin Tennessee
Web Site: SandraLee468
Kathy Register Yarbrough Monday, 1/22/07, 7:32 PM
Hi everyone! I graduated early from UAH and literally went from one side of the desk being a student to the other side being a teacher. My last quarter at UAH was student teaching at Grissom High in the Fall of 1970. I was hired in January of that school year as a Junior/Senior English teacher at Grissom. To do this, the then Governor (Mr. Wallace) wrote a letter to our school board to state it was "okay" to hire someone that had not officially graduated from college. This was to prevent the school from loosing any accreditation or funding. When I did go through the graduation ceremonies a few months later, one of my students was there to see his Dad receive his engineering diploma. He came rushing up to me after the ceremony and asked was his junior year going to "count" as I was not a "real" teacher at the time! So began my "official" career in education and since then I have been trying to keep up with the constantly changing roles of being a "real" teacher! Through the years, my career in education has been varied. I wrote grants and assisted in teaching the mentally handicapped, taught adult education reading, taught Junior and Senior English (one year I had 8 NMSQT finalists in one about a challenging year!), and I have taught all levels of high school reading. Today, I am a District Literacy Coach and Professional Development person. My Masters in Educational Leadership was earned from the University of West Florida in Pensacola. More recently, I completed courses to update my certificate to include K-12 Reading and courses to enable me to teach teachers who are in the process of obtaining their Florida reading certificates. Although I no longer teach my own class of students, I have found many joys in working with teachers in their classes with their students. In looking back to my own days of high school, I am very thankful to have been part of such a diverse group of learners. We received an education second-to-none. We were treated as individuals; yet, we knew that we were part of a greater whole...our Class of '67. On a more personal note, when I last saw you at our 20th reunion, I was divorced and a single Mom of a ten year old son. A couple of years after the reunion, I remarried and gained not only a husband but another son. Our oldest graduated from FSU as an International Student and is taking a "breather" from graduate school at the moment. Our youngest is following in his Dad's footsteps and is learning the land surveying business. And, we have one grandson. My husband and I live a quiet life in the woods on a creek bank in rural Holmes County, Florida. We both continue to work and "talk" about someday retiring when we get older!!! But, I guess with our 40th reunion upon us, getting older is approaching quickly!!! :<) It has been a pleasure visiting our website and seeing "who" we have become over the years. So many familiar faces and so many memories have come to mind when looking at the pictures and reading everyone's comments. Thank you, Richard, for taking the time to share your computer savvy in making this website possible and thanks to others who have helped you in reminding us that the Butler High School class of 1967 was indeed a special group of individuals!
From: Bonifay, Florida
Nick Gates, 11/03/2006, Reprinted with Permission: RSS
I am finishing up my 37th football season.
I started part time (30 hours per week) at The Knoxville News Sentinel in 1970 when I was a Junior at UT.
I've had a chance to go to Baton Rouge, La., twice to cover LSU. they turned me down once and I turned them down the other time.
I also was offered the sports editor's job at The Huntsville Times. I didn't want to stop writing and manage people so I'm still here, although we moved into a new house a couple of years ago. (new address 7632 Saddlegate Road, 37920)
Tommy Ray and his wife visited Knoxville for Alabama-UT weekend and stayed with us.
I haven't been to Huntsville in a couple of years. but am planning on coming this summer.
I stay busy in the winter covering minor league hockey and I have been responsible for minor league baseball coverage since 1972 (second writer in) and fulltime (beat writer) since 1978.
I just finished reading the Huntsville Times story Tommy gave me on Danny Treadway and Rebels basketball in 68-69. Was a marvelous series by John Pruett, if you can find a copy it's worth reading.
I am sure I have some baseball pics my daughter can e-mail. She is the only one to keep up with my photos and trophies. Why I don't know?
I purchased a wristwatch for my daughter from Charlie Eifler a few years ago. He lives not to far from where I used to and his daughter (?) went to the same high school as my girls.
We came to three reunions: 10th? (Carriage House), 25th? (hotel near the Space Center ) and 30th (Holiday Inn near the mall). If there was a fourth, II don't think we got invited.
Looking forward coming back and seeing a lot of strange faces.
Take care,
Pamela Jane Pike Trayes Saturday, 10/14/06, 9:31 PM
I didn't get to graduate with my class but you are the only class that I knew for my senior year. I received my GED but went on to futher my education at Calhoun Jr. college. I have eight grandchildren four are my own and four are my step grandchildren. I have three sons and three step daughters. I live in Ingleside, Illinois 145 Devlin Road Apt107. I have a senior picture that was made with the seniors but was not put in the album due to a half credit needed to get my diploma.
From: Class of 1967
Saturday, 10/14/06, 9:28 PM
Pam, could you get me the picture (s) from 1967? I would like to include on the "Yearbook Pics" page. Thank you very much for contacting us and letting us know where you are. Rick Sirmon
Rick Sirmon Saturday, 10/14/06, 9:24 PM
Wow, Bruce, thanks for investing so much time and effort into giving us "your story" - the ups and the downs. Yours wasn't the only heart being broken by girls (who didn't know it). I can't imagine lifting 600 pounds (in front of national judges!) People you would like to talk to - well, Greg Maerker and Fred Neil are here in Birmingham and I am pretty sure they both hope to come and we are working to locate and persuade some of the others on your list so stay tuned. If you know of any clues for finding some of them let me know. Linda Hooker's husband used to be my boss so I'll work on that soon. Would you be amenable to giving the Invocation again at the 40th. Thank you for doing it to start our 35th and thanks again for leaving your story and your songs!
bruce levine Saturday, 10/14/06, 9:09 PM
songs lines that tell my life story and a new one in the works.: I think musically I wish I knew then what I now: OO LA LA Rod Stewart or Face (Ron Wood) take your pick. I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then. AGAINST THE WIND Bob Seeger We are the people our parents warned us about WE ARE THE PEOPLE OUR PARENTS WARNED US ABOUT Jimmy Buffett "I made enough money to buy Maimi but I pissed it away so fast. A PIRATE LOOKS AT 40 Jimmy Buffett "To much talk and not enough walk" SEEN AND NOT HEARD (hear also ARMED AND DANGEROUS) Petra Forgive, sounds good. Forget, I'm not sure I could. They say time heals everything,But I'm still waiting"NOT READY TO MAKE NICE" The Dixie Chicks "I guess it's a sequel to our story From the journey 'tween heaven and hell With half the time thinking of what might have been and half thinkin' just as well." I guess only time will tell. SEQUEL Harry Chapin O by the way a am working on a six disc interprative story of my Life to various songs. First Two are complete ME, and ME TOO 3rd will be ME (CUBED) OR ME3 (cause I can't make this text write 3 in superscript) and the final volume will be "PREQUEL" What else I have one wife two kids and two grand kids one dog on grand dog. I live in the city I am a weekend Presbyterian Pastor and a Week Day Auditor. Things I enjoy Powerlifting (still have a few old age state records for those who don't use juice: I am active in my neighborhood association I battle arthritis of the hips and three rotator cuff surgeries. I read a lot I go on a few road trips a year with my son to Jimmy Buffett Concerts. This sumer I went to DogStock and Chautauqua. I DogStock I got to speak to David LaFlame from my favorit music qroup "It's a Beautiful Day" Check out web sites below to get more info. My biggest regret is not telling people important to me that they are important. My Project now: Apologising to those I can for hurts I caused." Favorite Movies (Current) Little Miss Sunshine (older) The Holy Grail (During Time in Huntsville) From Russia with Love People I hope come to the reunion that I would really like to speak to again. Tommy Newby, Greg Marcher, Ann Hunter and Linda Jo Hooker Freddy Neal, Karen Wolin, Mike Dey, Wayne Godman, Mike Carr Other people I would like to see from school days Natha Schlien (Bradford) Ava Mintz and a friend of Diana Hicks who went to Huntsville High I think. And my memory brings up Robert Raleigh and Jay ??? an army kid the only two I know who enjoyed reading political intrigue and spy novels. Girls who broke my heart and didn't even know it Diane McClure and Libby Parker Things I miss "Birmingham Shower of Stars" good solid men like Danny Henderson, Tommy Robinson David Hufnagle and Robert Estell. Things you didn't know or few know. I moved to Huntsville just in time to start 9th grade. My father had died in April and I never knew my mother. I had been ripped out of my perfect (to me)life and moved from Little Rock (I loved ) Huntsville (I hated) I did and do have ADD and Depression I hated football. I tried to play for acceptance to fit in. I was always afraid. I saw my self as little and vunerable It took almost 30 years until I hit a sixhunderd pound squat infront of national judges that I realized it was all in my head. I am not saying that I could have been as Good as the Robinsons, or Danny or even Mike Dey who could have been great. (I always thought Tommy got a raw deal) I do regret that I did not contribute to the team and still expended so much effort in that direction) But it did help me belong and if not for that I might have been lost for 4 years. If I had never taken the psat my life would have been different. It was only then that it began to dawn on me I might be smart. Worst thing I ever did in High School that I remember. In
From: St Louis
bruce levine Saturday, 10/14/06, 6:15 PM
continued. In Ms Henn's class, senior english, one row of chairs ended flush against the left side of her desk the row I was in ended with enough space that she could walk in front of her desk. She did one day, and I pushed the desks in front of me up to fit flush against the right side of her desk and she could not figure out what happened. Great teachers' My speech teacher and My senior government teacher and Ms. Weaver. The teacher who most infuenced my life Ms Norma Norton from Westlawn. Other women who broke my heart and didn't know it Karen Gould and Karen Legler and maybe Michelle Maez. Most beautiful woman in my high school career Gayle Nayle. Another person I need to see Jimmy Lindberg and one I need to apologise to, Dana If you know me you know who that is. Check out these two web sights for more about me Peace Bruce
Rick Sirmon Tuesday, 9/5/06, 7:12 AM
Please give us your phone number, address, and email address for the BHS Directory database that Rhonda Cochran Bass so diligently keeps up to date. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions,or other classmates to update, you can email me or call me at 205-527-9623 (cell) or contact any of the Reunion Committee listed on the "Contact Us" link of the website. We look forward to hearing from you! Rick