Jannie Price-Gateley
Wednesday, 5/21/14, 12:14 PM
At 19 yrs. old, I married Bob Bell and we had 2 Sons. We were married for 33 years, divorced in 2001. On Jan. 11, 2014, I married James (Jim) Gateley. We known each other since I was 8 Yrs. old and he was 10 yrs. old. Grew up in the same school (until Butler High) and in the same church at Huntsville Bible. Also, dated as Teenagers. His wife of 43 yrs. of whom I also grew up with, passed away. Jim and I have been married 4 months; I will be retiring Oct. 3, 2014 and then we will be moving to Orange Beach, AL, to retire. I have 2 Grandsons, Ages 11 Mos. and 3 yrs. Jim became an instant Grandfather. God has blessed me beyond measure and I thank Him everyday, for what He's done, in my life.
Anita Francis Batey
Tuesday, 2/19/13, 7:48 AM
I retired from teaching elementary school (30 years @ the same school in Bridgeport). Then I worked part time @ several jobs including the Hallmark shop, supervision of student teachers for JSU, & teaching GED class. I quit that job in Dec., 2011. I then became a hospital volunteer, a job that I enjoy. I also am a committee member for our Relay for Life, so that takes quite a bit of my time. My husband, Bobby, & I bought a small older house & completely remodeled it. Now it is for sale. We are planning a trip to Branson in Sept. for his army reunion.
Jamie Hawkins Mazursky Thursday, 9/14/12, 7:15 PM
After Butler I ended up back in Miami and attended the University of Miami. We had five
sons over the next fifteen years and they have been a constant joy in my life and continue to be along with the seven grandchildren they have blessed me with. I do love it here in Ellijay. I would have never come here, but my oldest son came here to meet a friend for a hunting trip ten years ago, and he fell in love. He moved here, and two of his brothers soon followed! The mountains just grabbed them, and they could not stay away. It is God's country...... I am a widow, but between my family that lives in the area and the children that I teach that have genius iq scores (just six right now) , I stay busy. I really wanted to make the reunion, but we have class eleven months of the year and I couldn't get away. Next time, I will probably be retired and look forward to seeing everyone at the 50th.
Bob Thomas
Tuesday, 6/12/12, 5:15 PM
Had hoped to come to the reunion, but will be unable to make this one. Am retired now and live with my wife Show-Mei in Lauderdale, MS. We still have a home outside of D.C.,so spend time between the two places. We have been married for over 40 years and have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. We enjoy traveling and have been to all 50 states. After graduating, attended UAH for two semesters, then joined the Air Force and went into the weather career field. After finishing college, went to work for the National Weather Service and stayed in the Air National Guard. Retired from both in 2006. Have been stationed at locations in Alaska, Hawaii, and Taiwan along with numerous other stateside locations. Look forward to coming to our 50th!
Lauderdale, MS
Teresa Stamper
Tuesday, 6/12/12, 2:42 PM
I'm still here in Huntsville! I went to work for BellSouth right after high school and retired with them in 1998. After getting some projects done around my house I became a little bored and wanted a part-time job. I went to work part time with WAAY TV and now working full time again. It's a very fun, interesting place to work. I have 2 grown children-a son and daughter and 5 PRECIOUS grandchildren--4 granddaughters and one "all boy" grandson! LOL ! Whoever named them grand knew exactly what they were talking about! Looking forward to our 45th reunion !!
Joyce LeDuc-Hampton
Tuesday, 6/12/12, 3:58 AM
I'm still in Huntsville, but have been to Korea for 2 years and Kwajalein Marshall Islands for 2 years while working 35 years for the government at Redstone Arsenal. Have retired from there and have worked the last 5 years for a contractor providing supply support for Kwaj. Love working! My husband passed away in December 2010. Have daughter and son, 2 grandaughters, and 1 greatgrandaughter and 1 greatgrandson through marriage.
Huntsville Email:
Sue Hawkins Painter Monday, 9/21/09, 3:04 AM
I live in Knoxville, TN in the middle of VOL country even though I went to Auburn for undergrad and grad school. I married my senior year of college to Bill Painter, who is from Chattanooga. We have lived in Alabama (at Auburn), Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, and now in Tennessee. I worked for state governments in rehabilitation counseling, when we moved to Tennessee I went to work for a research consortium, then dropped out in 1998 and went to massage therapy school. I've owned a private medical massage clinic for 12 years. In 2003 I started coaching other entrepreneurs in marketing strategies, and began (Sue Hawkins con't)
From: Nashville and Bradenton, FL Web Site: The Confident Marketer
Email: suepainter@tds.net
Sue Acee Monday, 7/6/09, 5:49 PM
After Auburn, I worked for the Government for a while in DC and in ATL and then I started doing computer consulting (contracting work) and did it about 20 years. Traveling across the country and staying in one place for only about a year and then moving on. Got to see a lot. Sold my house in ATL and moved to my second home in the Smokies. I have been here for the past 6 or so years. I love it up here. I think about the old days and everyone in Huntsville and have a lot of wonderful memories from back there. I ran across this class web site and was really impressed!!!
From: Sevierville, Tn Email: scacee@aol.com
Jack Kidd, Thu 4/09/09 11:34 AM (Reprinted with permission) motorpsychl@tampabay.rr.com
James L. McCauley Jr Sunday, 10/12/08, 7:00 PM
USAF Retired. Who am I? Go to Lynn Mehlinger Oakley in "featured classmates" section. Scroll down to her bio. In the picture above the bio, she's reading. The guy slightly out of focus in the picture, is me. I attended Butler, but didn't graduate there. My senior picture is in the yearbook (page 88), but, only a few people, mostly football players, would remember me. I graduated from Radford High School, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Email: jlmcjr@charter.net
Carol Daniel Broadway Friday, 6/15/07, 12:01 PM
I just found out about this site from a friend in Huntsville. It's really great!!! My address is incorrect. Our address is 111 Old Hickory Dr.- Morganton, NC 28655. We're so sorry we can't make the reunion this year. I would like to tell everyone a very special "HELLO" from our family to yours. Thanks again for this special site!! Carol Daniel Broadway
From: Morganton, NC Email: cbroadway@crabbnet.com
James V. McManus Tuesday, 6/12/07, 9:00 PM
I graduated from Southern Illinois Univ. in Carbondale. I have lived in Little Rock AR since 1977. I work for the Arkansas Dept of Information Systems the state computer agency. I am a Database Administrator working mainly on Mainframe Databases. It is really a fancy way of saying I am a Data Janitor. I have been married 25 years to my wife who is a registered nurse her name is Breda. Click here for James entire entry
From: Little Rock AR
Email: vmcmanus@swbell.net
Bob Thomas Sunday, 6/10/07, 6:16 PM
Plan on coming to the reunion. Will be nice to see old classmates and see how Huntsville has changed. My reservation will be in tomorrow's mail.
From: Launderdale, MS Email: Robert.Thomas@noaa.gov
Charles (Chuck) Miller Saturday, 6/9/07, 2:44 PM
From: Valrico, Florida
Email: chuck@findnewlife.org
Kerry Pinkerton Wednesday, 6/6/07, 6:41 PM
I did not graduate at Butler because we moved in my senior year but went to University Place, Westlawn, and Butler with a bunch of the 67 Class. I live in Harvest, Al. Retired but have a 'retirement business' and play in the shop a lot. Married for 35 Years, two sons, one grandson who is a lot more fun than his father. Chip Cochran called me tonight and invited me to the reunion. I'll be there Friday night for sure, maybe Saturday. Lots of memories flooding back...
Email: pinkertonk@mchsi.com
Gloria Hart (Smith) Monday, 6/4/07, 11:07 AM
Attended Business College for a year after high school. Left Huntsville in 1968. Lived in Atlanta, Okinawa, TX and then moved back to Huntsville in 1980 to the present. I went to college in TX and became a drafter working for SCI in 1980. In 1982 went to work for Boeing and retired in 2005 as a technical designer. I had two children, both grown and have their own businesses.
From: Huntsville Email: kendnotes@yahoo.com
Sherry Wallace Baughn Tuesday, 5/1/07, 9:10 PM
Hi everyone. I live in Indianapolis, IN home of the INDY 500. I went to nursing school, graduated and married a Doctor. We went to Japan during the Veitnam War and then moved to Indiana to set up a practice. We have 3 childen of our own and 3 foster children. I was a stay at home mom for 25 years. When empty nest syndrome starting hittig me I went into Real Estate have my own office, staff and agents. Our children are scattered around the country which makes it hard. But, we are so thankful our baby married a Doctor who has come back to Indy to start his practice. Only one not married and that is our oldest who is a senior asset manager for the French Bank in Manhattan NY. Boy how time flys. We have grandchildren and life stays busy. I am aging gracefully as I trust all of you are. I hope all is well in Huntsville. Please write if you get the chance. Sincerely, Sherry Wallace Baughn
From: Indianapolis, IN Web Site: Homes For Sale In Indiana
Email: sbaughn@ameritech.net
Susan McBrearty Faint Thursday, 4/26/07, 6:08 PM
Don and I were married after our sophomore year of college. My chosen career is homemaker and I have loved every minute of it. Don spent 27 years in the Army and we have lived in many, many places and have moved about 21 times. We were very happy that he was offered a job in Huntsville after he retired from the Army and have been here since 1998. Our son, Charlie, is following in his father's footsteps and is career Army. He and his wife, Lilla, currently live in NC and have a 3 year old daughter. Our daughter, Kathy, quit her job last October to be a full-time mom. I was delighted when she and her husband, Bill, moved into a house about 5 minutes from our door. They have a son, soon to be 2. Everything we have ever heard about being grandparents is true. And we take every opportunity we can to spoil ours. My thanks to the reunion committee for all of their time and effort to make sure that our gathering is successful. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in June (that is, we will be able to see everyone if we remember to bring our eye glasses!).
From: Huntsville Email: smdrfaint@knology.net
Betty Cooper Dunn Wednesday, 4/18/07, 2:56 AM
After graduation and North Alabama College of Commerce, I worked in Real Estate and the medical field. "Retired" in 1992 and 4 years later began having some major health problems. Still "hanging" in and looking forward to seeing everyone in June. Thanks for the great job this Reunion Committee is doing!
From: Huntsville, Al. Email: brdunn@earthlink.net
Linda Hatfield Beason Tuesday, 4/17/07, 10:29 AM
I worked for NASA for 10 years, during that time I got married to Harris Lynn Beason from Gurley. We had a daughter named Catherine. When she stared to school, I started working at school as a Special Education Asst. I work with handicapped children, Emotionally Disturbedand special needs of all kinds. I divorced in 1989. I moved back to my parents house and raised my daughter and worked. After Catherine finished two years at Wallace State she married and a year later she had a little girl named Madison Hope. Three months later she became very ill with TTP/HUS, a rare blood disease and 1year after the baby's birthday she had a seizure and heart attack and died at 25 yrs old. My grandbaby is five years old now. I am still working at school with blind student. We are at Buckhorn High School. My address is below: Linda Hatfield Beason 8003 Benaroya Ln Apt. D-206 Huntsville, Al 35802 Phone - 256-479-8877
From: Huntsville, Al Email: lbeason@madison.k12.al.us
Jeff Wiswall Wednesday, 5/30/07, 8:04 PM
I am overwhelmed with all the work that is being put into preparing for this reunion. I cannot believe the time that has passed. Everything seems like yesterday except my face in the mirror. I am 58 years old like all of you, give or take a few months or so, and I recall the days that you could not trust someone that old. I praise God for the memories and our good health. I hope to see you there and remember some of the things we did as young people again. jeff
From: Montgomery Al. Email: wiswall@bellsouth.net
Donna Woods Smith Thursday, 3/29/07, 8:05 PM
I am retired and enjoying every minute . Steve and I have a Harley and have traveled as far as Idaho to the northwest and Maine to the northeast. I could never have imagined that I would ride a motorcycle at my age and have a ball. We love to ride in states that do not have helmet laws. Crazy maybe but the freedon you feel with the wind in your face and hair is amazing, I have 5 grandchildren and a 6th on the way. Steve is still working as an Attorney. We have 5 cats( Tom,Elvis, Muffin,Prissy and the kitten- Cleo). Hope to see you all soon.
From: Currently living in Albertville, Al Email: muffpris@hotmail.com
Jerry Gipson Tuesday, 3/27/07, 9:39 PM
Married since 9-8-67 to Toni Elledge. One daughter, Kana Gipson Parmley BHS class of '92. Two beautiful grand-daughters, Elyssa and Kate. I work at Dynetics, Inc., in Huntsville, and Toni works for Benchmark Electronics.I enjoy golf breathing, and waking up in the morning.
From: Harvest, Alabama
Email: jerrytoni@knology.net
Deborah Justin Tuesday, 3/27/07, 11:25 AM
I left Huntsville for New York City and then on to San Francisco where I met and married my husband, Glenn Vita in 1984. We have four sons, two in college and two still in high school! We have moved from SF to New Orleans to Kutztown, PA, to Coronado, part of San Diego. We spent seven summers on the beach in Hollywood, FL. Glenn is a consulting engineer and I have been a stay-at-home mom with a variety of part-time jobs. I still keep in touch with my dear friend from BHS, Bobbie Ann Nix Schorsten and sporadic contact with my friend since fourth grade, Collen Napper Kaye. My husband and I do plan to see everyone in June.
From: Coronado, CA Email: deborah.justin@mwhglobal.com
Ken Byrd Monday, 3/12/07, 6:05 AM
I retired 10 years ago from teaching and coaching for 25 years. (two years of that back at Butler) I have two daughters and 8 grandchildren. My wife and I travel the world and enjoy life.
From: Toney, Al
Email: Bluuies@mchsi.com
Temple Vaughan Richardson Thursday, 3/8/07, 5:36 PM
I have been happily married for 37 years to Denny.We have 3 children(29,26,21) and 2 grandchildren(5,2). My husband is a developer and I own and run a preschool for the last 32 years. We love the beach, relaxing at our lake cottage and having fun with our kids.
From: Norfolk, Va.
Email: t.richardson@cox.net
Stephen Swicegood Saturday, 3/3/07, 10:29 AM
Ruth Ann and I are in our 23rd year of marriage. We live in Decatur, Georgia, only 8 miles from downtown Atlanta where Stephen works as Managing Principal of Gensler Atlanta, an architectural firm, and Ruth Ann is Director of Outreach for Southface, an environmental advocacy group. Our 19 year-old son Turner attends George Washington University in DC, and these days we are kept company by our Border Collies Rex and Tess.
From: Swicegood
Email: stephen_swicegood@gensler.com
Theresa Baker Geiger Friday, 2/23/07, 2:32 AM
As many of you know, David and I were high school sweethearts at BHS and we have been married for 38 years. We have a daughter Shannon who has twin boys Joshua and Jacob and a married son Bryan. I have been teaching mathematics at St. Petersburg College in Clearwater Florida for 19 years. I complete my Ed. D. in 2002. David is Director of Risk for a staffing company. Currently, we are enjoying motorcyling. David built a custom low rider and I started riding and purchased a Sportster as well. I hope we will be able to make the reunion.
From: Dunedin, FL
Email: geigert@tampabay.rr.com
Shirley Edwina Towery Murphy Friday, 2/2/07, 11:02 PM
After graduation I started my career in banking and I'm still in banking. I met my husband at the first bank I worked for (he was my boss) and we were married for 32 wonderful years. I have been a widow for 7 years. Unfortunately, we had no children. I went to the 35th reunion and had a great time, and if possible will be at the 40th. Thanks Rhonda, Jim and all the other alumni for the updates, I love hearing from you. Great web site!!
From: Athens, AL
Email: sem1599@msn.com
John Coffeen Tuesday, 12/5/06, 5:13 AM
I've worked as a photographer since high school. Huntsville News, US Army (Draftee but still a photog for the Army.) and then back to the Huntsville News after the Army. From the News I went to the Tampa (FL) Tribune and was there for 21-years before getting into computers. (It was electronic imaging that got me started.) I now work for Perot Systems (yep, Ross Perot, the same guy who snatched his people out of Iran and later ran for president). Once a year I come to Huntsville to visit my parents. This year ('06) I saw David Pope, who was in our class. He mentioned the upcoming reunion and that there was a web page with info. He's is, and has been, the Madison County Engineer - Public Works Director, for quite some time - so he's still in town.
From: Tampa, FL Email: JCoffeen@GMail.com
Alice Fay Sullivan Thompson Sunday, 11/26/06, 9:47 PM
Just signing in. I am excited about our reunion and can hardly wait to meet some of you again.
From: Huntsville
Email: alicefay@knology.net
Nick Gates Monday, 10/30/06, 6:12 AM
Biggest news is that my wife Peggy and I celebrated the arrival of our first grandchild (Johannah) 10 months ago. Not ready to retire yet because sports writing is like walking into the bank and stealing. Looking forward to the 40th reunion!
From: Knoxville, Tenn.
Email: gates@knews.com
Jo Robinson Spangler Thursday, 10/26/06, 5:43 PM
I graduated from Auburn in Pharmacy and have been a pharmacist for 35 years. My husband Dan is a physician and we have been married since 1974. We have lived in Birmingham, Tenn and Louisiana before settling down in NW Alabama. We have two girls,both of whom are married and one has a beautiful baby girl who we adore!!!We live in the country on a farm and love it! Recently I began a home-based business with a company named Arbonne,a health and wellness business. It is so much fun and so different from anything I have done before. I am determined to make my first venture into home business a success! And hopefully it will keep me invigorated! We travel some and enjoy visiting friends like classmate Bob Harvey when we go to Europe. Love the website. Thanks, Rick, you are forgiven for getting us both in trouble in Mrs. Wooley's room in the 4th grade. From: Leighton,AL Email: jospangler@hughes.net
Susan Stephens Poos Sunday, 10/22/06, 5:38 PM
I started work for First National Bank in Huntsville after graduation. I moved away from Huntsville the next year.In the years since, I have lived in several areas of Alabama. After 13 years in the Gulf Shores area, my husband, Greg, and I moved to Albertville. I went to work for a bank in Huntsville in April of this year and have just transferred to our Albertville office. We have 3 wonderful children and 5 very precious grand- children. It is wonderful to be back in North Alabama. The 35th reunion was so good and can't wait for the 40th and seeing old friends again. Thanks to the committes for all their hard work..
From: Albertville, Al Email: gregpoos@bellsouth.net
Virginia "Ginger" Reed Sanders Saturday, 10/14/06, 4:25 PM
Hey Everyone! Great website!! My husband for 39 years, Denny, and I are moving back to Toney, AL in Dec. 2006 for retirement. We adopted 2 Korean children and had 2 boys of our own. I worked in banking 37+ years and retired as Vice President this year. Our Chrildren live from Hawaii to South Carolina, so we are moving home. We have 2 wonderful grandchildren and two more on the way. Retirement holds lots of travel to visit those grandbabies! Can't wait to see everyone!
From: Northern KY
Email: Dennissanders810@aol.com
Christy Burnett Nickelson Thursday, 10/12/06, 7:44 PM
Hi, Rhonda, Rick and all other Reunion committee members, thanks ever so much for all that you're putting into our 40th (Is that possible?). Great job on the website, Rick. I attended Auburn University; lived in Atlanta for a while; been living in Hutsville for 32 years; was married for 31 years and have been a widow for a little over six months. I have two wonderful children, 1 son and 1 daughter, and two precious grandchildren, 1 girl and 1 boy.
From: Huntsville, Al.
Email: cbnickelson@comcast.net
Pamela Jane Pike Trayes Saturday, 10/14/06, 9:31 PM
I didn't get to graduate with my class but you are the only class that I knew for my senior year. I received my GED but went on to futher my education at Calhoun Jr. college. I have eight grandchildren four are my own and four are my step grandchildren. I have three sons and three step daughters. I live in Ingleside, Illinois 145 Devlin Road Apt107. I have a senior picture that was made with the seniors but was not put in the album due to a half credit needed to get my diploma.
From: Class of 1967
Email: PamTrayes@yahoo.com
Deborah Evans Campbell Wednesday, 9/27/06, 6:54 PM
Whenever I get an update from Rhonda Cochran Bass and after visiting this website it makes me want to attend the reunion but then when that time rolls around I may change my mind like I did before the 35th reunion. I've been here in Huntsville all my life and retired from the assembly line at Chrysler Corp. with 30 years of service. I am thoroughly enjoying my retirement and have been involved in historic preservation and other interests I never had the energy for when I was working. My husband, Bob, is not retired and is an equities trader in the stock market. I have a daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter living in Kent, WA and a daughter and son-in-law living in Birmingham, AL.
From: Huntsville, AL Email: debc78@comcast.net
Kathy Weaver Jantzen Tuesday, 9/26/06, 5:29 PM
I left Huntsville in 1983 to move to Sheffield. My husband is a chiropractor and we moved to Sheffield to open up our own business. His name is Gerry. We both are retired now. I have 2 children, 4 stepchildren and 6 and 1/3 grandchildren. My son is engaged and his fiancee has two children. They come in and out of the house like most people do in a hotel. That's what we call our home: The Jantzen Hotel. Never a dull moment. My mom lives with us. She will be 84 in November and runs circles around me.!!!!!
From: Sheffield, Al.
Email: kwj1949@yahoo.com
Anita Francis Batey Monday, 9/25/06, 6:45 PM
I live in Scottsboro, AL. I taught elementary school for 30 years in Bridgeport. I retired in June of 2001. In 2003 I started working two part time jobs, still in the field of education. I teach GED class three nights a week all year. I also supervise student teachers through Jacksonville State University during the regular school year. I usually enjoy both of these jobs. I got married again about ten years ago to Bobby Batey. We like to work around our house and yard. He has two children and we have three grandchildren.
Email: bateyab@scottsboro.org
Gail White McCartney Friday, 9/22/06, 1:51 PM
Hi, Enjoyed looking at the website. Would like to give change of address: Joe & Gail McCartney, 1545 Summerbrook Drive, Conway, AR 72034. Hope we can make it to the 35th. gm
From: Conway, AR 72034
Email: joemc@conwaycorp.net
Rhonda Cochran Bass Thursday, 9/21/06, 8:52 AM
We moved back to AL in 2001 after 17+ years away. It's good to be close to many I attended school with. We own our own business here, and enjoy the benefits that gives us. One of our sons is here, one in South FL. Tell us a bit about yourself, please! And, plan to be at the reunion June, 2007. Rhonda
Email: sbass@ardmore.net
Glenda Faye Smith Sunday, 9/3/06, 7:29 PM
I have come full circle. I am in the same place I was forty years ago. Every morning, I go to Butler High School and stay until the bell rings at 3:10. I am the Guidance Counselor for the class of 2007. On graduation day at the end of this school year I will be where I was forty years ago, with a slight difference. This time I will call names of the candidates for graduation, not stand in line and wait for mine to be called.
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Email: ggragg@knology.net
Rick Sirmon Tuesday, 8/22/06, 5:08 PM
We would like to hear anything you would like to tell us about your 40 years since S.R. Butler High School and 1967. As for me - I worked for 25 years with BellSouth in Computers and Accounting. Cindy and I have been married for 32 years and have spent that time in Pelham, Alabama. We have season tickets to the Alabama games, watched our first two kids go to Auburn and finally have our third as a sophomore in Tuscaloosa (he's in the will!) I stay busy with a vacation hobby turned business and Cindy and I like to travel (when we can afford the gas). I visit Huntsville once a week as my Mom still lives on the 5th tee of Huntsville Country Club. Email: rsirmon@hotmail.com