Help us rewind time for one weekend in June. We'll recapture a few "Moments to Remember" thanks to your presence at the Butler High School, Class of 1967-- 50th Reunion.
We'll be . . . "Reelin' with the Feelin',
Rockin' and a Rollin' - Movin' and a Groovin' -
Bing! Bang: It'll be the whole Gang -
'Long about a Saturday Night"
(June 9 & 10, 2017)."
Until then, give us a glimpse of who you are by entering a few lines of your life and your story on the "Roving Rebel Reporter" page that follows.
Heard shortly after from a BHS Junior contemplating 2:50pm:
I think that I shall never know
Just why school seems to go so slow --
And so until the bell will ring
I'll sit and not learn anything. Anonymous
P.S. If you can't make the party, please leave your tracks on the "Roving Rebel" page to prove you have been here. 1967 was an important year and by leaving some pieces of history on these permanent internet pages, they will be a permanent reminder that: YOU
Were a part of :
"The Butler High School 'Class of '67'"
"Those were the days, yes,,, those were the days ...."
Here's an insight or two about why this reunion turned out to be very special.
On August 15, 2006, we elected Rhonda Cochran Bass
as our Reunion "Madam Chairman".
Rhonda challenged us with her unwavering desire to
make this, not only a Butler Reunion to remember, but
to make those relationships from long ago mean as much today
as they did 40 years ago.
It was from that challenge
that ideas took hold that the website could become:
1) a repository for our history and
2) a reflection of who we were and who we have become and
3) a common meeting place thru the "Roving Rebel Reporter" pages.
So first thank you to everyone who helped make the website a dynamic lead-up to the reunion which generated additional excitement and anticipation. Whether the bio sketches, or so many pictures scanned and sent in, or so many stories and footprints and messages left on the Roving Reporter pages - these all brought the past to life again in words and pictures and songs.
And second, a special thanks to Rhonda for her leadership and incredible hard work and ability to marshal people and resources in such a well organized and focused way
toward the goals that were set.
So thank you, Rhonda - very, very much - from our committee!
And we speak for the entire Reunion Committee and the Class
When we echo what so many have said Reunion Weekend --
"Bravo -- Well Done -- The Best . . ."
This was truly a "Reunion to Remember" !!"
Thank you for bringing us all together !!!
P.S. If you thought the DECORATIONS were absolutely amazing and the SCHOLARSHIP EFFORT was tremendous and the MEMORIALS were a loving tribute, and the SILENT AUCTION a resounding success, and/or the PROGRAM was captivating then,
if you run into Rhonda, Anita Francis Batey, Susan Stephens Poos, Alice Fay Sullivan Thompson, Kathy Weaver Jantzen, Susan McBrearty Faint, Betty Mitchell, Christy Burnett Nickelson, Joan Brewer Walls, Jim Sager, Glenda Smith, Olivia Parker Lowe, Jack Robbins, Kathy Register Yarbrough, Tom Lewallen, Rick Sirmon (and even Chip Cochran) --- don't be bashful - Just give them a big hug for old times sake and as a thank you for just
an exceptional amount of time and talent and
energy and very hard work and dedication put into
The Butler High School Class of '67 -- 40th Reunion
June 23, 2007
(And to Harold Levie for photographing so much of our Adolescence -- Thank you, Harold !!
Your pictures have "come home" and "The Old Rebel" will keep an ever-watchful eye. He was truly - Great Fun !!! )
Betty Cooper Dunn -- Winner of the drawing to have her reunion fee returned
Nell Williams Connally - Winner of the 2nd drawing to have her reunion fee returned -- (Nell has also been added to the "Reunion Patrons" above) (thank you Nell)
Mary Hix - Winner of the free Photo Book from Classic Reunions of the drawing of folks that knew the "Green Door Pass Code"
Mail Payments
Mail Payments
For a few pictures of the 40th - click the thumbnails - (thanks Wendy and Buddy and Jim Sager and Tom Maliskey, Watch for the "Photo Album" page to be updated soon.)
Steve and Rosie Taylor
Steve and Mary Taylor Baker with Pat Cowart
Buddy Braunlich, Pat Cowart and Don Faint
(Knew we needed a taller GREEN DOOR)
Angie and Jack Robbins w/Fred Neil and Alunda Whitt Scarborough
The "Green Door" (thank you Jo Robinson Spangler (Class of '67 Secretary) for letting us use "Jo Sent Me"