And "The Old Rebel" is - - -
Harold W. Levie
Thank you Harold for documenting our high school days in pictures in 1965/1966/1967 and again 40 years later for forwarding so many
wonderful pictures of another time found in
an old dusty box.
They helped bring to life again some great kids in that "foreign land called the past" in this 40th reunion season.
No - This is not a young
Robert E. Lee
Stonewall Jackson
Jefferson Davis
It is one of your 1967 Butler Classmates
Like a lot of us, he wasn't known really well by many
(but then - did we really know each other well back then?)
(OK, maybe Jim C and Jack R did! (1954 -2007))
Here's five clues -
1) He was born only a stones throw
from Sherman's Path of Destruction thru Georgia
on his March to the Sea
(you can imagine why he would be asked to be in
Commemorative Civil War Re-enactments - )
2) He lettered in sports in college
3) He has a married daughter and a son who is excelling in college but not lettering in sports
4) There are more of his pictures on this website than any other classmate,
5) he was a good dancer and says that he
(and his camera)
rarely missed any of the dances at school or other school functions.
If you are participating in the
to raise money for the
Butler Class of '67 Scholarship Fund, then
Search your "Rebel" yearbook
(He is in there)
(without the whiskers)
(those above are real - by the way).
If you find him, then on
June 15, 2007
(on or after 7PM CST ) -
fill in your answers for all of the Mystery Classmates
and click the "Submit" button as shown
For each contest
the classmate (not on the Reunion Committee)
to email the most correct answers --
Wins 3 nites, 5-star accommodations at
Wyndham/Fairfield - Nashville
(Across the street from the Opryland Hotel)
(For a good cause!!)